William Mallinson
Guglielmo Marconi University
William Mallinson, Professor of Political Ideas and Institutions at Guglielmo Marconi University, a member of the editorial committee of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, and a member of Cambridge Scholars Publishing’s Editorial Advisory Group (history), is a former Member of Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service who left to study for, and was awarded, his Ph.D. at the London School of Economics and Political Science’s Department of International History. He covered Dutch foreign policy, Dutch-German relations and German rearmament during the initial period of the building of European institutions and NATO, and the formative years of the Cold War. Following a period in business as European Public Affairs Manager at ITT’s European Headquarters in Brussels, and then Digital Equipment Corporation’s in Geneva, he turned his attention to the academic world, playing a pivotal role in introducing Britain’s first Honours degree in Public Relations. He was a CAM Examiner, and then Lecturer in British history, literature and culture at the Ionian University. Since 1994, when he was awarded a Greek Government scholarship, he has been perusing British Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence, Prime Minister’s Office and Cabinet archives, under the general rubric of Anglo-Greek relations during the Cold War, including Cyprus. He has also published several articles in the press, has been interviewed by the BBC World, Russia Today and Russia Channel One, and spoken at numerous conferences, in Moscow, London, Zurich, Athens, Rome and Cyprus. He has undertaken corporate consultancy projects, and is an occasional lecturer at the Greek National Defence School, particularly on Britain and Russia/USSR. He speaks, reads and writes French, German, Italian, and Dutch, and has a working knowledge of Greek.
Recent book: W. Mallinson, Guicciardini, Geopolitics and Geohistory. Understanding Inter-State Relations, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021
Media appearances: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmkbtuHyNanzr6rdXgSB6Zu0OjSoLwBeY