Ilaria Poggiolini
University of Pavia
E-mail: ilaria.poggiolini@unipv.it
Ilaria Poggiolini is Chair Professor of International History and former Pro- Chancellor for International Relations (2013-2019) at the University of Pavia. She is a member of the teaching staff of the Doctorate Programme in History at the University of Pavia and of the Committee for the publication of Italian Diplomatic Documents (Italian MFA, Rome). She is member of the SSH (Social Science and Humanities) group of The Coimbra Association and UNIPV WP Leader for the EC2U Aliance. She is associate of Italian Studies at Oxford.
Previously, Ilaria Poggiolini has been visiting Fulbright Scholar (USA); NATO Fellow, visiting Fellow at the Center of International Studies and Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton (USA); Associate Fellow of the Transatlantic Relations Programme at LSE IDEAS, LSE; British Council Fellow at the European Study Centre, St Antony’s College, Oxford; Visiting Professor at the History Department, Peking University and PKU’s Center for Mediterranean Area Studies (Beijing).
Her early research activities and publications centered on post WWII international peace making with a focus on the cases of Italy, Japan and Vietnam, on political and diplomatic relations between Italy and the Allies in the 1940s and ‘50s and on the origins of the process of European integration. More recently and presently, her research and publications concentrate on enlargement of the European Community and British membership of the EEC since accession, on Western European Ostpolitik in the 1970s and 1980s, on Thatcher’s European and East/West policy in the 1980s and on German re-unification within the European framework.
She teaches in Italian and in English: History of International Relations, European integration and Public Diplomacy. She has spoken at numerous international conferences year after year and participated in international and European projects.
Among her recent publications:
- All about Europe. France, Great Britain and the German Question (1989-1990), in Frédéric Bozo and Christian Wenkel (eds), France and the German Question,1945-1990, Oxford/NY, Berghahn Books, 2019, pp.201-218
- Le tre Europe di Ralf Dahrendorf, Società Mutamento Politica, Numero Unico, Beyond borders: Ralf Dahrendorf’s Legacy, Vol 10, n. 19, 2019, ISSN 2038- 3150, pp. 91-101
- Trovare un ruolo, fare una scelta: riflessioni sulla collocazione internazionale della Gran Bretagna contemporanea, in Ventunesimo secolo : Rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XIX, 2, 2020, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2020 pp. 153-181
- Hashtag Diplomacy, Aspenia 92 “La pace fredda”, Aspen Institute Italia, marzo 2021
Aspenia international 91-92, giugno 2021. www.aspeninstitute.it
- Does Public Diplomacy matter? The Debate on Isuues and Actors of Public Diplomacy Engagement, Il Politico, 254 (1), 2021, 5-21 https://doi.org/10.4081/ilpolitico.2021.558
- Edward Heath’s ‘Greater United Europe’: understanding a very ‘special’ Europeanism, in Narrating EU integration: Speakers and Speeches from 1946 to the present, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2022
- Reassessing UK-EU History: From Accession to Brexit (1969-2016), Springer, New York, 2023